Incredible Glowing Firefly Squid

The breeding season of the firefly squid runs from March to May. During this time, a massive gathering of this squid can be seen in Toyama Bay in Japan. They gather here by the millions, even billions, to lay their eggs. The adult squid begin to die once the eggs have been released into the water and fertilized.

For those who are curious, they are called firefly squid because of the bright luminous spots that resemble those of a firefly. This squid is famous for the incredible light show that occurs annually off the coast of Japan as millions of them accumulate to spawn. A surreal sight!

[via only-pics, toptenzpictures and atlasobscura]

Views: 453

Tags: animals, firefly squid


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Comment by Shirley Crowell on April 1, 2012 at 6:46pm

So very cool!

Comment by rd on March 31, 2012 at 5:39pm

yeah, really amazing C!

Comment by C. on March 31, 2012 at 5:28pm

Those firefly squids are incredible! They literally light up the shores! Great finds rd! :)

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