{Update} Follow the Wave Giveaway!


Hello everyone! Finally! We have picked thru random.org and here are the BIG WINNERS for our Follow the Wave Giveaway!

1. Annmarie Warren Grimmett - www.bitesizedelights.etsy.com

2. Jennifer Matthews Bucheli - www.worldofpinatas.com

3. Adorie Rhodes - www.civilwarlady.etsy.com

4. Cecilia Marquez - www.likegrassforgiants.com

5. Carly Taylor - www.createliveblog.com

But wait, I know we announced only 5 winners, but as an appreciation, we're giving an extra spot for Shirley Crowell for getting into all four entries! Kudos!

Congratulations everyone! Cheers! =)

*Contest Closed

Hi there you guys! As promised we'll be rolling out the NEW GIVEAWAY today! How exciting is that? Alright, here’s great news for anyone who wants to promote their website, business or artwork! Next month, who knows… your own website ad might be seen by over 300,000people from all over the world!

But how?

It’s very easy. Get as much entries as possible!
There are four (4) ways to make an entry:
1. Sign up. (If you're already a member and owns a website*, you automatically get one entry. One eligible entry per person.)
2. Become a Top Member. (Equivalent to one entry. Become an active member, follow discussions and upload great content. Click here to find out more on how to become a Top Member.)
3. Like us on Facebook. (one entry)
4. Follow us on Twitter. (one entry)

(Only for entries* submitted until 7th April 2012.)

How will the winners get picked?

Each entry will get listed with your name+website*in it. All entries will be drawn randomly picked using random.org! One text ad for each unique winner.

Then what happens next?

You'll get a big chance to become one of our FIVE (5) LUCKY WINNERS to get a prestigious TEXT AD here on Wave Avenue! It will be placed at a prime spot on the right side visible to all pages! The advertisement will run from 16th April 2012 to 16th May 2012!
Great isn’t it?

More entries you have, more chances of being picked! Winners of this text ad giveaway will be announced on April 11th. Oh, can’t wait to see who’ll become part of this amazing opportunity! JOIN NOW!

Btw, here's the Wave Round-up for last week! Enjoy!

Art + Design: Unique Colorful Rings, Time For More Clocks!, Creative Cement Tile Mash-ups, Shattered Clock Play Order in Chaos, Candy Wrapper Wearable Art by Charlotte Kruk, Visual Illusions Painted on Big Rigs by German Artists, Quirky Shoe Lamp, Rhetorica's Achromatic Office

Finds: Home is where your heart is, Sofa So Good, 21 Wall Decorating Ideas, Wood You Like To Try These?, Thoughtful MUJI Letter Memo, Olive Green Themed Home

Homes: Real Beech Tree Inside a Home, Fascinating + Simple Home by the Beach, Wonder What It's Like Inside, Functional + Recycled Elements + Studio in Brazil, Run-down Shed + Industrial Inspired Home,

Thoughts: 15 more things no one probably told you yet by Alex Noriega, Don't Wait, Learn to Dance in the Rain

Places: Snow Covered Greenland

Photography: Amazing Science Images by High Resolution Method (SEM), Palau's Jellyfish Lake, Worth1000 Photo Effects Entries + Flower Imagery, Wow Photos of Animals

*only entries considered are limited to Wave Avenue's focus, mainly art, crafts, design + interior.

Views: 509

Tags: giveaway, round-up


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Comment by Shirley Crowell on March 13, 2012 at 9:28pm

Sounds really good! 'Glad to see random.org will be in use...very diplomatic.

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