An Armless Artist Found His Purpose

Meet Huang Guofu, an armless painter and artist, who never considered his disability as hindrance in fulfilling his dreams. He strived to become somebody with a purpose and taught himself how to paint by foot and mouth. His strong determination led him to where he is now as vice-curator of the Chongqing Talents Museum.

He is a living proof that we can do everything as long as we keep on challenging ourselves that we can defy the impossible. Extremely inspiring!

I want to let the younger generation know that there are no real obstacles in life. The only obstacle is if you want to do it…
~Huang Guofu


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Tags: art, painting


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Comment by Shirley Crowell on June 20, 2012 at 11:12am
U n b e l I e v a b l e ! ! 'Humbles me greatly.

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