Tiny Summer Dwelling That Conserves Energy

This tiny dwelling in Stockholm was built from scratch by couple Marie and Kenth. After endless search of the perfect home, instead of buying a built home that's ultra expensive, they eventually decided find a vacant lot and took the design matters in their own hands, with the help of architect Torbjörn Hoeg. The result is a spectacularly precious summer with everything they need.

Another reason to love this home even more is that during the planning phase, Marie and Kenth thought much on how the building would conserve energy. 37 centimeters thick masonry walls with insulation holds the heat well. 3-glass windows had the best K value when purchased. And then there was that about the solar cells, which they had to fight for. They wanted those solar cells. And now they sit there and produce electricity to cover the heating and hot water from April to October. Smart move.

Layout plan

The house is about twice as long as wide, 13x6 m largest room is the living room, which occupies 40 square meters. Above the two bedrooms in the short end of the house has a sleeping loft. The terrace facing the southwest.

Photography credit: Karin Björkqvist

[via husohem]

Views: 577

Tags: Stockholm, home, interior design


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